About Us

Driving Compliance, Simplifying Fleet Management.

About Tenor ELD

Welcome to Tenor ELD, where we specialize in advanced electronic logging devices designed to simplify compliance and enhance fleet efficiency. Our commitment to innovation and customer service ensures that your fleet operations are streamlined, compliant, and cost-effective. Join us in driving the future of fleet management with Tenor ELD.

Founded with a vision to revolutionize the way fleets operate, Tenor ELD has quickly become a leader in the electronic logbook industry. Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in logistics, technology, and regulatory compliance. We understand the challenges faced by drivers and fleet managers, which is why our ELD system is designed to be both user-friendly and robust, catering to the unique needs of each client.

At Tenor ELD, we prioritize the safety and efficiency of your fleet. Our state-of-the-art ELD solutions facilitate accurate hour tracking, real-time vehicle monitoring, and comprehensive reporting, making regulatory compliance seamless and stress-free. We are committed to constant innovation, regularly updating our software to incorporate the latest advancements in technology and regulatory changes.

Our mission is to empower your fleet with tools that improve productivity, reduce operational costs, and enhance safety on the roads. With Tenor ELD, you gain more than just an electronic logging device; you gain a partner who is invested in your success. Join the numerous satisfied customers who have transformed their fleet management experience with Tenor ELD.

ELD Trucking System


Using our electronic logging device will be a positive and easy experience. Our team is available to assist you 24/7. Save money by reducing hours of service (HOS) rule violations.

  • Real-Time Hours
  • No Additional Payments
  • Full Raw Data
  • Automatic updates